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Eddie M. Springfield, Principal
Mrs. Christine Rhymes,
Administrative Assistant
242 S. Broadway St.
Greenville, Mississippi 38701
Grades Pre-K - 6
Inside the doors of Darling School are smiling faces of many boys and girls.
All of Darling's precious students are surrounded by an environment that is
conducive to learning.
Our mascot is the "Friendly Darling Bear." Blue and heather are the colors
which represent our school.
Along with Pre-K - 6th grade classes, Darling houses one Resource class, a
library, and a speech therapist.
Our technology link consists of one computer lab, computers in each
classroom, as well as the media center. The computers have internet access
to broaden the horizon of our students.
Project SWEEP - Students Working for Environment Education and Protection
Project SWEEP is
implemented grades 4 - 6. Project SWEEP exposes our students to the
environmental world.
Darling provides extra
curricular activities for students. These activities include:
Student Council
A Cheerleading Squad
Girl Scout Troop
Daisies/Brownie Troop
Girl's Basketball Team
Tumbling Squad
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