Tell readers how to get in touch with you.
Postal Address:
Your Street, City, XX XXXXX
Quick Tutorial: Create a hyperlink to an email address.
FrontPage 2000 Users:
1. Select either text or a picture
2. Click Insert Hyperlink
3. Click the E-Mail button
4. Type the email address to which you want the message sent.
FrontPage 2002 Users:
1. Select either text or a picture.
2. Click Insert Hyperlink
3. On the left side, under Link to,
click E-mail Address.
4. Either type the e-mail address you want in the
E-mail address box, or select an e-mail
address in the Recently used
e-mail addresses box.
5. In the Subject box, type the subject
of the e-mail message.
Note Some Web browsers and e-mail programs may not recognize
the subject line.